Today’s family portrait session is another fun post-custody session. This time, we’re joined by the Cadwell Family. Meredith and I had been in touch for a few months when they finally got the call to come and pick up Samuel. It was right at the beginning of winter and right in the middle of the Christmas rush here, but we found a couple of openings that would work and managed to schedule in a session.
We met up in a local cafe before the session to get a warm drink in and get Samuel used to the camera and the guy behind it before we headed out into the cold. I was greeted by the cutest little stare of uncertainty from mother’s arms. It wasn’t uncertain enough to stop munching down a pack of kim (seaweed), however, so we knew we were in good hands. With just a little playing on his part and a warm cup of coffee for the larger humans, we got ourselves ready to head into the palace.
Even though winter hadn’t truly set in yet, it was still going to be a high of 5 degrees Celcius (around 40 degrees for our American friends). This is certainly a bearable temperature in coats and sunlight. But, when you’re trying to get some family portraits and the day is hazy, it can get cold quickly. We knew we would want to work quickly and keep things high energy, so we started by having the little man fly. From, there we did plenty of swinging and walking to keep our bodies warm.
When we were ready to move, mum scooped up the little man and we made a show out of running to our next location to keep his mind off the cold and keep the heat inside. We joined dad there and had a few more swings before the call for food began. As we all know well, a toddler asking for a snack is a force to be reckoned with. We quickly obliged in order to keep him on our side for a few more minutes and made a couple of cute images of our downtime.
Samuel was giving us all the signs of “Hey, guys? I’m done” by this point, and so we let him run around a little. I stepped back and framed him in the palace for a couple of final shots to wrap up the session.
I hope everyone has enjoyed this session as much as I did photographing it. Thanks again to Meredith and Justin for having me be the first to document their new family. All the best until we meet again.
For more family sessions, don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Instagram.